Covid-19 Restrictions and Regulations

Due to Covid-19, there are some additional regulations and restrictions that we must follow in able to keep our guests and staff as safe as possible. Below is a list of the guidelines we will be following.

  • Masks must be worn by Carriage of Colorado Employees, and guests if mandated by City and County
  • Guests will be asks to sanitize their hands before and after their ride.
  • We ask that no one else arrives with your party that are not participating 
  • We ask that you maintain 6 ft social distancing guidelines as much as possible
  • We ask that if anyone in your household or party has experienced any symptoms including a fever of 100.4 or above, or been knowingly exposed to Covid-19 within the last 14 days to please contact us immediately and please DO NOT ride with us

What we are doing to help PROTECT you:

  • Sanitizer will be provided before and after rides
  • Practicing 6 ft social distancing guidelines
  • All passenger areas are sanitized, before the event starts, in between each ride, and at the end of the day.

Carriage Rides: up to 6 people

  • A single family group per ride

Hay Racks: up to 12 people

  • No more then 3 family groups per ride, limited to the smaller amount of up to 12 people ( if 2 family groups totals 10 people, only 2 groups will ride) or 3 groups totaling no more then 12 people.

We appreciate everyone’s cooperation with this and continued support of our business.

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